
Birth Journals

Baby Bump Services / Birth Journals (Page 28)

Laboring in Water is Effective for Pain Relief

Doulas and midwives have long known that giving a laboring woman the option of climbing into a large, deep tub of warm water often results in decreased pain, increased relaxation and better coping. And a better ability to cope with labor means less need for medical interventions. A survey of 510 women revealed that laboring in and with water (bathing and/or showering) was more effective than systemic pain medications such as Pethidine (commonly known as Demerol, an opoid analgesic). In the survey, 77% of the women used drugs, with 56% receiving epidurals and while that method of pain relief received the greatest score for effectiveness, the survey showed that less interventive comfort measures such as breathing, massage, hot and cold packs and most especially,...


How much longer? As long as it takes.

It’s not easy to prepare parents for the patience that is sometimes needed during a long birth. However, I have attended long births many times and I think it is essential to let couples know that sometimes, that is just how a birth needs to be and a long labor, while a variation from normal, is still normal. The long births I have attended have taught me so much about the patience that is needed for some mother-baby dances. These lessons in patience have certainly come from caregivers (usually out-of-hospital midwives), but more often the profound lessons I have learned about strength in waiting have come from the laboring mothers and their partners whose trust in normal birth sometimes peaks my own. I have repeatedly been in...
