
Doulas Tag

Baby Bump Services / Posts tagged "Doulas"

It’s Always Personal – Practicing as a Doula and a Human Being

For several days I have been in a place of meditation about whether to share the original Buzzfeed article that triggered many reactive online posts, debates and ultimately led DONA International’s founder, Penny Simkin, to write an open letter responding to a doula who addressed her directly online. For weeks, I have also been in meditation, prayer and study as, I too, was recently told by a doula that I let her down.  Our conversation was private, however, and I am grateful to her for that.  She also shared that she checked with another person in her workshop and that doula did not have the same experience. I appreciated her sharing that with me.  It was kind, thoughtful. Since that time, I have looked deeply at myself as a doula trainer, and more important, as a...

Spinning Babies Instructor, Lorenza Holt

I started the “Who BEcomes A Doula?”  Series because I wanted know more about what compels a woman (or a man) to become a birth doula? ~Who is drawn to this work and what kind of work (or life) did they have before they became a birth doula? ~What makes them continue? ~Is there something about our personalities that leads us to find a way to connect with, care for and support women at that uniquely vulnerable and joyous time of birth? ~And for fun, some questions and photos that give us a glimpse into the moments and meanings in their lives. For this project, I have chosen to interview doulas all over the world.  Some are new to this work.  Some are seasoned and ‘reasoned’ – my way of saying...

nitrous, oxide, Boise, St. Luke's, St. Alphonsus

Nitrous Oxide and Its Use In Childbirth for Pain Relief

Most of the folks who come to my Confident Birthing Childbirth Classes are preparing for a natural childbirth. They hope to avoid the use of pain medications in their births.  Those not intending a drug-free birth, are usually hoping to delay the use of pain medications and that means that they would be delaying/avoiding systemic narcotics (administered through an I.V.) and/or the most common pain management used in childbirth, the regional anesthetic: epidural. Avoiding those drugs is most often possible through non-pharmacological means like movement, touch, breathing, intention, and sounding, just to name a few. I have spent my 20+ year career helping women avoid or delay those medications through my classes and my doula services. And while it's still possible for women, whose goal is an unmedicated birth, to achieve that through good...