
September 2016

Baby Bump Services / 2016 (Page 2)

Passion and Privilege in My Profession

I cannot separate myself from the reasons I do my work.  My passion became my profession 21 years ago when I took my DONA International Birth Doula Training.  And I cannot separate myself from the growth I am committed to as a human being while I am here. With honesty about what it is like to care about women and their families - including my own family, I feel torn among the vast majority of my colleagues who came to this work because we CARE. It is not simple. It is messy and confusing. So as I watched the CNN feature, This Is Birth with Lisa Ling, these are the things that stuck out to me: In the section on Cesarean Birth: "Convenience and preference is not the best way to...


A Birthday Story of An External Version and Intuition

17 years ago, my second son, Aidan, like his brother Fox before him, was breech. But unlike Fox who turned head down with just some moxibustion, a light shining low and his dad talking to him, Aidan stayed put through every maneuver I could think of (this was well before Spinning Babies was around) and even through an external version. That version was painful and I remember it vividly - mostly I remember wanting to put my hands on top of the obstetrician's hands and get him to gently rock instead of force my baby to turn. I was a massage practitioner and practiced Trager Bodywork but mostly I just KNEW it would FEEL better both to the baby and to me. But I did not put my hands...